
Upavon Golf Club

Seniors Open - Individual Stableford Start Sheet

Wednesday 10th August 2022, Tee - Yellow, Upavon Golf Club Course

The contact for this competition is Alastair Baldwin (0778 967 2203)

08:00Barry DurrantAlan C SmithSimon Gilford
08:10Mel MillarJames SinclairCharles Ford
08:20John CarterRobert GriffettStephen Sturgess
08:30Danny BrophyBarry UnwinMike Winchurch
08:40Alex FogwillNigel Laughton 
08:50Tim NicholsBob ChannonGordon Blagbrough
09:00Brian PrinceSteve MooreJackson Wheeler
09:10Quentin JonesJohn PearceRoger Doran
09:20Cliff AngerAlex WilkinsonAlan Grimley
09:30DavidA WilliamsPaulG JonesJohn Flynn
09:40Richard BunczukRoy DickerBarry Bonner
09:50Ian PearceGerry MclaughlinGary Truckle
10:00Steve PolleyJim Tuttle 
10:10Ryan MooreNicholas Bance 
10:20Gordon BugdenAndrew BryanPaul Tooze
10:30John Cox*Peter HewittPeter Frost
10:40John MillarSteve HolmesGordon Greenwood
10:50Peter NastDavid AndersonDoug Veitch
11:00John AllanTerence CornfordKevin Rivers
11:10Geoff de MetzVictor FurmageIan Buck
11:20Richard JonesStewart LesselsSimon Hall
11:30Alastair MacintoshNeil RossAlan Simmonds
11:40Malcolm WeeksNeil TrusslerPhil Mcintyre
11:50Jeff TomblinJed WhelanBob Andrews
12:00Peter KingALLAN FLIPPANCEJohn Hood
12:10Peter RobinsonRoy FlintJan Belza
12:30Philip DicksStephen KnightPaul Slater
12:40Richard EvillJames WrenchTony Gorman

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