74 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:01 AM Sunday 16th March
Jeff Ansell (Mill Ride Golf & Country Club) |
Lynn Austin (36.8) |
Nicholas Bance (21.0) |
Paul Bancroft (30.1) |
Dave Bannister (Shrivenham Park Golf Club) |
Jan Belza (30.1) |
Mike Bennett (East Berkshire Golf Club) |
Gordon Blagbrough (31.1) |
Barry Bonner (24.5) |
Denis Bottomley (29.2) |
Gordon Brockman (12.2) |
Danny Brophy (17.6) |
Malcolm Broster (21.9) |
Richard Bunczuk (12.9) |
Bob Channon (32.6) |
Kevin Crofts (26.6) |
Dave Cummings (18.6) |
Julian Curren (Stoneham Golf Club) |
Steve Davis (17.9) |
Roy Dicker (17.6) |
Phillip Dicks (18.0) |
Roger Doran (Crane Valley Golf Club) |
Brian Douthwaite (18.9) |
Christopher Duparcq (23.8) |
Barry Durrant (22.5) |
Martyn Evans (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Tim Fauchon (Temple Golf Club) |
Roger Fielding (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Roy Flint (33.1) |
ALLAN FLIPPANCE (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Alex Fogwill (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Charles Ford (19.5) |
Neil Garfoot (18.4) |
Peter Gee (26.2) |
Stephen Grace (19.0) |
Stephen Grantham (16.0) |
Nicholas Herridge (17.4) |
Steve Hibbs (23.3) |
Nick Howells (Shrivenham Park Golf Club) |
Ray James (19.9) |
Quentin Jones (39.1) |
David Kee (Basset Down Golf Club) |
Jeffrey King (16.3) |
Peter King (22.2) |
Stephen Knight (12.3) |
Nigel Laughton (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Mike Mason (27.3) |
Phil Mcintyre (14.7) |
Gerry Mclaughlin (5.3) |
Mel Millar (11.7) |
Robert Mitchell (10.1) |
Steve Moore (23.1) |
Julian Mumford (17.0) |
John Pearce (22.2) |
Chris Plank (17.7) |
Steve Polley (Shrivenham Park Golf Club) |
Brian Prince (22.2) |
David Pritchett (25.7) |
John Raisey (17.6) |
Steve Richardson (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Peter Robinson (26.3) |
David Scott (Dorset Golf & Country Golf Club) |
John Shiers (16.8) |
Alan Simmonds (15.1) |
George Simmonds (27.5) |
James Sinclair (18.5) |
Alan C Smith (15.5) |
Gerald Sprouting (15.8) |
Nicholas Tomaszewski (Shrivenham Park Golf Club) |
Gary Truckle (8.1) |
Jim Tuttle (23.5) |
Jackson Wheeler (20.1) |
Mike Winchurch (18.8) |
David Youngs (Shrivenham Park Golf Club) |