
Upavon Golf Club

Entrant List for Seniors Open - Individual Stableford

74 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:01 AM Sunday 16th March

Jeff Ansell (Mill Ride Golf & Country Club)
Lynn Austin (36.8)
Nicholas Bance (21.0)
Paul Bancroft (30.1)
Dave Bannister (Shrivenham Park Golf Club)
Jan Belza (30.1)
Mike Bennett (East Berkshire Golf Club)
Gordon Blagbrough (31.1)
Barry Bonner (24.5)
Denis Bottomley (29.2)
Gordon Brockman (12.2)
Danny Brophy (17.6)
Malcolm Broster (21.9)
Richard Bunczuk (12.9)
Bob Channon (32.6)
Kevin Crofts (26.6)
Dave Cummings (18.6)
Julian Curren (Stoneham Golf Club)
Steve Davis (17.9)
Roy Dicker (17.6)
Phillip Dicks (18.0)
Roger Doran (Crane Valley Golf Club)
Brian Douthwaite (18.9)
Christopher Duparcq (23.8)
Barry Durrant (22.5)
Martyn Evans (North Wilts Golf Club)
Tim Fauchon (Temple Golf Club)
Roger Fielding (North Wilts Golf Club)
Roy Flint (33.1)
ALLAN FLIPPANCE (Goring & Streatley Golf Club)
Alex Fogwill (Kingsdown Golf Club)
Charles Ford (19.5)
Neil Garfoot (18.4)
Peter Gee (26.2)
Stephen Grace (19.0)
Stephen Grantham (16.0)
Nicholas Herridge (17.4)
Steve Hibbs (23.3)
Nick Howells (Shrivenham Park Golf Club)
Ray James (19.9)
Quentin Jones (39.1)
David Kee (Basset Down Golf Club)
Jeffrey King (16.3)
Peter King (22.2)
Stephen Knight (12.3)
Nigel Laughton (Cumberwell Park Golf Club)
Mike Mason (27.3)
Phil Mcintyre (14.7)
Gerry Mclaughlin (5.3)
Mel Millar (11.7)
Robert Mitchell (10.1)
Steve Moore (23.1)
Julian Mumford (17.0)
John Pearce (22.2)
Chris Plank (17.7)
Steve Polley (Shrivenham Park Golf Club)
Brian Prince (22.2)
David Pritchett (25.7)
John Raisey (17.6)
Steve Richardson (Marlborough Golf Club)
Peter Robinson (26.3)
David Scott (Dorset Golf & Country Golf Club)
John Shiers (16.8)
Alan Simmonds (15.1)
George Simmonds (27.5)
James Sinclair (18.5)
Alan C Smith (15.5)
Gerald Sprouting (15.8)
Nicholas Tomaszewski (Shrivenham Park Golf Club)
Gary Truckle (8.1)
Jim Tuttle (23.5)
Jackson Wheeler (20.1)
Mike Winchurch (18.8)
David Youngs (Shrivenham Park Golf Club)

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