
Upavon Golf Club

Fri 28

Course Status

Upavon Golf Club: Course Fully Open - Preferred lies in Operation,

Flexi and Low Income Membership 

Upavon Golf Club would not wish to preclude any member from fully participating in golf, and we will discuss arrangements with anyone who wishes to join but is on a low income or has little time to spare. Our Flexi Membership schemes could be your way to enjoy all the benefits of membership at Upavon for a fraction of the normal cost.  Pay a reduced Monthly Subscription and a reduced Green Fee to enjoy the Upavon fairways as often as you wish. For only £44 per month by Direct Debit payment (or £528 annual one off payment) plus £19.40 affiliation and a nominal £15.00 per round Green Fee the course is available for you to use 7 days a week at any time (excluding competition tee reservations).

Flexi membership is open to any new member to Upavon Golf Club and allows you to join us with free unlimited access to the clubhouse and practice facilities. To use the course the £15.00 Green Fee must be paid prior to commencing play. There is no limit to the number of games that can be played in a year and Flexi members can upgrade to enjoy the benefits of Full membership at any time. Full terms and conditions are available on request.


Upavon Golf Club is open to all sections of the community and its primary purpose is to promote the playing of golf with membership schemes and facilities that are open to all without any form of discrimination. If you are on a low income we do not wish this to be a barrier to you taking full part in the game of golf and membership of the Club.

If you consider that you cannot afford one of our membership packages, please apply in writing to the Club Administrator at the address at the bottom of the page, enclosing any supporting documents as part of the membership application process. HMRC does in its CASC regulations require clubs who have a membership fee in excess of £520 (including costs associated with membership) to make provision for those people who wish to become a member and are unable to afford to pay more than £520. The cost of a seven day membership is a little higher than the £520 limit and as the Club would not wish to preclude any member from fully participating in golf, will discuss arrangements with anyone who wishes to join but is on a low income. The £520 limit is inclusive of any entry fees for competitions the club may arrange. Applicants wishing to discuss this arrangement are asked to make contact specifically with the Club’s Secretary. We can also provide loan golf equipment and shoes FOC.

For further details on our Flexi/Low income Schemes, please phone Alastair on 01980 630281 or email

Download your Membership Application form click here
Download your Direct Debit mandate click here.

Please could you spare a few minutes to download and fill in the questionnaire? It will help us make sure you achieve what you want out of your Club membership. Thank you.

New Members Questionnaire

Telephone: 01980 630281  Email:
Upavon Golf Club Ltd, Douglas Avenue, Upavon, Wiltshire

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